What is the CEO Style Quotient? It’s a concept that was developed by Executive Image Consultant, Michelle T. Sterling.
Because you see, we understand what CEOs need and want when they are looking to revise their personal brand image.
When CEOs look for an executive coach, a performance coach, and an image coach, they look for 3 pillars.
Quality, precision, and care.
CEO Style Pillars
QUALITY. CEOs of large corporations are always interested in quality – in the quality of the product, the performance of their employees, and in the people they employ to help them progress in their careers. Some may hire an executive image consultant to help them manage their visual impression and verbal message. Others may hire an executive image consultant simply because they don’t have time to shop and they like to look sharp. Usually, these types of CEOs are in finance, insurance, accounting, and law-related industries. On the flip side tech CEOs also like quality, however, it doesn’t necessarily have to look and feel sharp. A tech CEO would more likely go for a look that is comfortable and projects confidence. There would be subtle details in the texture of his clothing, in the way it’s woven or fabricated that would say, “This is a quality garment.” The following are some examples that finance to tech CEOs may prefer.
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However, do keep in mind that personal style is exactly how it sounds – it’s personal. That is why we start each engagement with a detailed assessment of the CEO’s needs and preferences to ensure he receives the quality outcome he’s expecting!
PRECISION. Most leaders can straddle across different modalities of communication. While there is one category that most leaders fall into in terms of their communication style and behavior, the best leaders can flex across all communication styles. These CEOs and most CEOs like precision. They expect results! And that is what we do here at Global Image Group, deliver results. Our CEO Style Quotient of servicing CEOs and other C-level management involves a scientific, systematic, and methodical approach to crafting your image and style.
CARE. Lastly, CEOs prefer an executive image consultant who cares. At Global Image Group, we care about your total image – from every detail that goes into selecting each garment to the precision in the final outcome of your CEO looks. Often perfectionists appreciate our care. During a consultation with Michelle T. Sterling at Global Image Group, you will also notice that the systems and methods that we layout as the foundations to developing your total image are present in each aspect of your outfits from work, travel, to leisure. Our goal is for you to emanate a cohesive look that presents a visual message that is harmonious, has unity and rhythm in each outfit – ultimately achieving your image and CEO style goals.

CEO Case Study
Let’s present you with a case study of a CEO of a Bio-Tech company in Silicon Valley. This client was a bachelor. He hated shopping. He was down to earth; however, he liked nice things that didn’t scream wealth or money. In the past, he would have his various girlfriends help him with his wardrobe. When he became our client in his 30s, we developed a cohesive wardrobe for him that mixed and matched with multiple wardrobe options to suit his needs, lifestyle, roles, and occasions. In the six years that we didn’t see him from his first consultation, we immediately noticed various items that didn’t resonate with his look and taste. Whether it was a shirt, a pair of jeans, or even sneakers, Michelle T. Sterling immediately knew it was a “girlfriend pick.” She was also immediately able to spot the gaps in his wardrobe of things that he loved, wore a lot, and had to get rid of because she was the image architect of his ideal wardrobe.
His outfits didn’t mix and match as easily anymore and there were added items that were not authentic to him. Therefore in between the CEO’s relationship gaps, executive image consultant, Michelle T. Sterling, replenished his wardrobe gaps.
Would you like the same type of quality, precision, and care when working with an executive image consultant?

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